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Mary Grayer Clarke

Mary has been an avid reader since the age of three years. The first thing she had published was in the Newfoundland Magazine of 1984.  She decided to start writing seriously when attending a Creative Writing Course and having written several short stories and essays was motivated to try her hand at a full novel.  She has also been involved in the production of several technical publications.  Mary firmly believes that every cloud has a silver lining, and that age is just a number.

Author's Books
Dark Regressions

What do you know about the occult? Michael Deville knew very little.He is suffering from the effects of a terminal illness and lives with his wife Helena Rose, his only companion, who is a working nurse.During the long periods of time when he finds himself alone, Michael occupies himself by reading ...

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Dark Revenge

Suzanne, once a resident of the Convent of the Golden Orb, finds herself drawn back to its echoing halls, now transformed into the luxurious Hotel Orb de L’Or in Switzerland. But a fateful trip to the hotel’s historic caves results in tragedy.What does the cryptic ‘Count’s Revenge’ signify...

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